1-10 of 11 result(s)
Health, safety and escalating risk
In our own units and in our teams, we have our ways of assessing risk and improving our maternity services. However, when faced with a global pandemic we took to much larger collective ways of assessing risk, applying national guidance and we ...
COVID vaccine and pregnancy
Firstly, I want to pay tribute to everyone working in midwifery teams throughout the pandemic. The mothers, partners and babies born during Covid have needed additional support to help deal with impact of the pandemic and you have provided ...Keeping the pressure on for pay
When, last month, the UK Government proposed a 1% pay rise for NHS staff in England, there was a huge outcry. This included from many MPs on the Government’s own backbenches. Why were people so angry? Because the proposed 1% was so derisory. ...
It’s time to make progress with your pay
You’ve finished a 12-hour shift, you’ve just come through the door and there’s nothing in the fridge - the last thing you should have to worry about is pay progression. The 1 April 2021 is the first date that pay step decisions may be made under the ...Safeguarding education
As midwifery students, you are one of our most vital resources, the future of our profession. The past year has been extremely challenging, with studies disrupted and graduation delayed for the Class of 2020. As your trade union and professional ...
Being a student midwife - Fiona Howard
I first considered a career in midwifery at the age of 17 – but life took a different path and at 25, I was married with two daughters and living in the South West of Cornwall. After the birth of my children, my thirst for midwifery grew. Despite this ...Exploring leadership through the language of colour: introducing Insights Discovery
I was introduced to Insights Discovery, a psychometric profiling tool, when I was working as a lecturer in leadership and management at Newcastle Business School. Now, I should point out that I’m generally somewhat sceptical about such tools, ...
Midwives skipping breaks and working overtime
Today we have published the results of an RCM members survey which ran in June, hopefully you have seen the media release and maybe even responded to the survey! We repeated some of the questions from our Caring for You campaign survey in 2016 and ...
Birth behind bars
In the early hours of the morning on 4 October 2019, a woman gave birth alone in her cell at HMP Bronzefield. When prison staff reached the cell later that morning, the baby was unresponsive, and was later confirmed to have died. An investigation ...