1-10 of 174 result(s)

Genomics and why it is important for midwives
Genomics is at the cutting edge of technology and is an exciting and fast-moving science included within the 10-year strategy, the NHS Long Term Plan and more recently, Genome UK. This ground-breaking field can speed up diagnosis and improve ...
Midwife numbers drop in latest NHS report
New midwifery workforce figures from the NHS have given us here at the RCM cause for concern. Published by NHS Digital on 29 July, they reveal that the number of NHS midwives working in England in May had fallen by almost 300 in just two months. ...#IStandWithGill
Midwives, MSWs, health professionals and scientists deserve our support and respect for all they continue to do during this pandemic. The RCM’s Director of Communications & Engagement, Jo Tanner, sets out why we are standing up to the hate-mongers ...
Maternity rights at work
As any woman who has tried to work out her entitlements to maternity leave and pay will be all too well aware, maternity rights are complex. For women with enhanced entitlements under an occupational scheme such as the NHS one, this becomes even ...
Maternity under the spotlight
The past week has seen the publication of not one, but two, landmark reports into the state of maternity services in England. On Monday, the House of Commons Health and Social Care Committee published a report on the safety of maternity services ...The RCM response to the NICE induction of labour draft guideline
Several new recommendations from the updated draft 2021 NICE guideline on induction on labour have caused concerns in the midwifery community. In particular, the implication of those recommendations on service provision, midwifery workforce, ...
Starting with ABC: working together to avoid brain injury in childbirth
How many parents-to-be, when asked about the sex of their baby, answer “we don’t mind as long as it’s healthy”? That’s their hope and the expectation, and indeed, that’s the outcome for the vast majority of parents. Sadly for some, though, complications ...