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Steward training day success
The first virtual stewards course began this week with 16 attendees from across the UK. The RCM has rewritten the Workplace Reps courses in 2020 to adapt them into the virtual world the team behind the courses were understandably anxious as 9am ...FGM Zero Tolerance Day 2021
Men have a crucial role to play in ending female genital mutilation (FGM) say campaigners launching the latest in a series of short animations amplifying the voices of men about FGM. The animations come during the week leading up to International ...
FGM e-learning resource launched by the RCPSG
Healthcare professionals who carry out pre-travel consultations will be better equipped to deal with issues around FGM, following the launch of a free online course by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow (RCPSG).On the margins: improving outcomes for vulnerable women
Three inspirational midwives, who have devoted their professional lives to supporting the most vulnerable women in society, gave the RCM conference an insight into one of the most challenging – but rewarding – roles in midwifery.
RCM FGM campaign wins TUC award
The FGM animations created by the RCM have won a TUC Communication Award 2018 for best digital membership communication.
RCM event asks ‘where next’ for FGM
The RCM held a panel discussion event last night (24 May) to look at the progress made on its campaign to end FGM by 2030.
First specialist FGM clinic opens in Wales
Cardiff and Vale University Health Board (CVUHB) has launched Wales’s first specialist FGM pilot clinic.
FGM film to be released
A drama film based on the real life experiences of women who have undergone FGM is due to be released later this year.