1-10 of 207 result(s)

Must be no corners cut says RCM as working restrictions for staff advised to self-isolate eased
The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) has said that service user and staff safety must be the top priority, following the easing of restrictions preventing NHS staff and other key workers from working if they have been close to someone with COVID-19.
Giving the gift of poetry to midwives and nurses
The wisdom of the bards is being used to support the wellbeing of newly qualified midwives and nurses in Scotland, who will be given a free poetry anthology when they graduate.
RCM team climb a mountain and raise nearly £3k for midwives in need
Nursing aching limbs and throbbing feet nine Team RCM staff and members went up a mountain and came back down having raised over £3000 so far for the RCM’s Benevolent Fund. The team took on all 3,560 ft of Wales’s Mount Snowdon on 3 July.RCM President hands over the reins
After four years, attending four Royal College of Midwives (RCM) Conferences and eight visits to outstanding maternity units around the country with HRH the Princess Royal, Kathryn Gutteridge formally stands down as RCM President.RCM expresses concern at ‘huge drop’ in number of applications to study midwifery
The number of students applying to study midwifery in the UK has dropped by a fifth, according to the latest UCAS figures, raising concerns about future workforce planning.
RCM supports first e-learning personalised care module for midwives and MSWs
The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) has supported the Personalised Care Institute (PCI) to produce the first personalised care e-learning module for midwives, maternity support workers (MSW) and other maternity staff. Kathryn Gutteridge, ...
RCM and WoW calling for Entry-level Research Scholarship applications
Wellbeing of Women (WoW) and the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) have launched this year’s call for applications for Entry-level Research Scholarships. The jointly funded programme is open to RCM midwife members and successful applicants ...
Ain’t no mountain high enough for RCM staff raising money for benevolent fund
A hardy group of nine Royal College of Midwives (RCM) staff and members have literally got a mountain to climb. They’ll shortly be heading up all 3,560 ft of Mount Snowdon, Wales’s highest mountain. They are taking on this arduous task to raise ...RCM announces Board Elections results
Three new midwives have joined the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) board following board elections and three existing board members have also been re-elected to the RCM Board. The new Board take up their roles on 1st September 2021.