1-10 of 30 result(s)

Cuts to local public health budgets will widen health inequalities warn leading women’s health organisations

on 12 August 2021 A partnership of leading women’s health organisations has called on a county council to rethink its plan to cut £2.09 million per year from its public health budget. In a letter to Hampshire County Council (HCC), the One Voice Partnership, ...
Maternity college’s urge healthcare professionals to provide best care to pregnant and postnatal women with COVID-19

Maternity college’s urge healthcare professionals to provide best care to pregnant and postnatal women with COVID-19

on 08 July 2021 The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) and Royal College of Midwives (RCM) are urging healthcare professionals to follow their evidence-based COVID-10 in pregnancy guidance after a new report found pregnant and postnatal ...
RCM calls for reverse to public health cuts to support smoking rate reduction

RCM calls for reverse to public health cuts to support smoking rate reduction

on 25 June 2021 Pregnant women must get the support they need to reduce smoking in pregnancy says the Royal College of Midwives (RCM), as NICE and Public Health England publish a draft guideline to tackle the health burden of smoking.   The guidance published ...
RCM welcomes call from Duchess for more support for new parents

RCM welcomes call from Duchess for more support for new parents

By Gemma Murphy on 27 November 2020 The Royal College (RCM) has welcomed the Duchess of Cambridge's call for more support for new parents. The college says the results of The Royal Foundations early years survey which will add to the growing body of evidence that tackling ...

Need integrated services putting women at the centre of care says RCM on report on women’s health

By Need integrated services putting women at the centre of care says RCM on report on women’s health on 02 December 2019 Today the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) has published a report ‘Better for Women’. The report calls for better joined up services and emphasises the need for national strategies to meet the needs of girls and women ...

About safest and best possible care says RCM on new NMC Future Midwife Standards

on 04 October 2019 Yesterday the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) approved new Standards of proficiency for midwives and Standards for pre-registration midwifery programmes. The RCM has been actively engaged with the NMC on the development of these standards.