1-10 of 35 result(s)

Country news: Scotland
Country news: Scotland, from RCM director, Mary Ross-Davie
Country news: Wales
Country news: Wales, from RCM director, Helen Rogers
Your student news: Spring 2019
What’s new in the student world? Your chance to tell us where you’ve been and what you’ve been up to...
Country news: Northern Ireland
Country news: Northern Ireland, from RCM director, Karen Murray
On employment: feeling flexible
I’m sure the start of the year already seems a distant memory for you all – I know there is no such thing as a quiet time in a maternity unit!
Country news: Wales
New policies: The RCM is partnering with NHS employers, Welsh Government and Staff Side to deliver new managing attendance at work and menopause policies.Your student news: Winter 2018
What’s new in the student world? Your chance to tell us where you’ve been and what you’ve been up to...
On politics: party season
The RCM is and always has been neutral in party politics.
The big story: sheltering from the storm
Trusts and health boards can offer better support to maternity staff who are victims of domestic abuse.