21-30 of 64 result(s)
Only move maternity staff as last resort, Royal Colleges urge hospital CEOs

Only move maternity staff as last resort, Royal Colleges urge hospital CEOs

on 22 January 2021 Two leading Royal Colleges are urging hospitals not to redeploy staff away from maternity services except as a last resort to ensure care for women and their babies remains safe. The call comes in a joint letter from the Royal College of Midwives ...

Safety must be the driving force behind every decision say maternity Royal Colleges

By Safety must be the driving force behind every decision say maternity Royal Colleges on 15 December 2020 Putting themselves front and centre in the efforts to make the UK the safest and best place to give birth, the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) and The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) are proposing a bold and ambitious ...
Keep maternity staff where they’re needed – in maternity services, says RCM

Keep maternity staff where they’re needed – in maternity services, says RCM

By Keep maternity staff where they’re needed – in maternity services, says RCM on 04 December 2020 Midwives and maternity support workers (MSW) must stay in the areas of the NHS where they are most needed: maternity services, says the Royal College of Midwives (RCM). As COVID cases continue to rise across the country, the RCM has urged NHS ...