51-60 of 354 result(s)

Latest on pensions

By Lynne Galvin on 09 February 2021 The Government has published their response to the NHS pension scheme consultation that closed on 11 October 2020. The consultation was to decide how to correct the discrimination that has been identified in the McCloud Judgement and came ...

Safeguarding education

By Charlotte Wilson, Policy Advisor and Carmel Lloyd, Head of Education and Learning on 15 January 2021 As midwifery students, you are one of our most vital resources, the future of our profession. The past year has been extremely challenging, with studies disrupted and graduation delayed for the Class of 2020. As your trade union and professional ...

In respect of vaginal examinations

By Kathryn Gutteridge, President on 17 December 2020 This last year has brought with it many challenges and surprises for maternity care, all of which midwives have risen to. Women and their families have had to face birthing in a different way than they planned and for some this has caused them disappointment ...

Deliver positive change at pace

By Gill Walton, Chief Executive on 14 December 2020 The interim report from the Ockenden Enquiry was published last week. It is harrowing reading the accounts of the women and families involved and knowing that they had to wait so long for their voices to be heard. The complex culture that led to ...

Documenting domestic abuse

By Hermione Jackson, Digital Midwife Project Advisor on 09 December 2020 As a midwife, we are often faced with women who experience or are at risk of experiencing domestic abuse and violence. It can be challenging to even ask a woman about any current or past domestic abuse, but then to also know what to do with the information ...

The deadly silence of shame and honour

By Janet Fyle, on 07 December 2020 This year’s United Nations-sponsored 16 days of activism against gender based violence began at the end of November. As midwives we are all too aware of the impact of domestic violence and abuse on the women in our care – and many of us will have ...

Safe care starts with positive culture

By Gill Walton, Chief Executive on 04 December 2020 I am so aware of how midwives and maternity teams have stepped up, have been innovative and have kept smiling behind their masks in order to give the best possible care to women during the pandemic. I am so proud to be part of this profession.