41-50 of 354 result(s)

A welcome shot in the arm for maternity services
Last week’s announcement of an extra £96m recurrent funding for maternity care in England provides a timely and long overdue investment in safe and high quality maternity services. Most of the new monies will be allocated to boost midwife and ...Race still matters
Race still matters, regardless of what the Government’s latest report saysMore renew than review – but welcome nonetheless
The role of the midwife in helping to determine the future could not be clearer. The life chances of a child hinge on the first 1001 days from conception, so the evidence shows. The Leadsom Review outlines ambitions to give every baby the best start ...The digital possibilities in maternity care
The use of digital technology in the NHS has long lagged behind what is possible, and there are new technologies becoming available all the time. Maternity services are often left behind during digital transformation within hospitals and ...Together we must keep shouting loud about pay
NHS pay was thrust into the spotlight in the most unwelcome way late last week as the Government published its evidence to the NHS Pay Review Body (PRB) - over six weeks late and several percentage points light. Any goodwill midwives and MSWs may ...
Hearing midwives’ voices: International Women's Day 2021
Midwives’ voices are often absent from international, national or local policy dialogue. In Bangladesh, where midwifery is a new profession and all midwives are young women and therefore doubly disadvantaged because of their age and gender, ...A missed opportunity
Budgets are about choices and priorities. Rishi Sunak could have chosen today’s Budget to outline an ambitious and far-reaching plan to stimulate economic recovery, reward key workers and rebuild our public services. Surely now was the time ...
How can midwives support our approach to ‘build back better and fairer’?
Like many of you, I have found the past year to be one of my most challenging. Responding to relentless work pressures while balancing caring responsibilities of a young family and ageing parents, one of whom was diagnosed with cancer following ...