31-40 of 354 result(s)

Maternal mental health - the Hidden Half

By Elizabeth Duff, Senior Policy Advisor, National Childbirth Trust on 23 April 2021 Yesterday marked the release of our latest Hidden Half survey results. Last year, in April 2020, NCT’s campaigning work led to secured funding for a dedicated postnatal maternal check in primary care so that new mothers have their own appointment ...

Maternity community matters now more than ever

By Lydia O'Neill on 22 April 2021 Today, 22 April is the third annual Stephen Lawrence Day, named for the young black teenager who was murdered in a racially motivated attack in 1993. The focus of the day is on community and how it matters now more than ever in the tackle against ...

COVID vaccine and pregnancy

By Prof Viv Bennett, Chief Nurse, Public Health England on 16 April 2021 Firstly, I want to pay tribute to everyone working in midwifery teams throughout the pandemic. The mothers, partners and babies born during Covid have needed additional support to help deal with impact of the pandemic and you have provided ...

Keeping the pressure on for pay

By Stuart Bonar, Public Affairs Advisor on 16 April 2021 When, last month, the UK Government proposed a 1% pay rise for NHS staff in England, there was a huge outcry. This included from many MPs on the Government’s own backbenches. Why were people so angry? Because the proposed 1% was so derisory. ...

Fasting and vaccines this Ramadan

By Zeenath Uddin, Head of Quality and Safety on 13 April 2021 Tomorrow marks the start of Ramadan and as we enter the Holy Month we look forward to a different experience from last year. This time last year we were in our first lockdown and under the pressure and exhaustion of working on the frontline. We took ...