21-30 of 354 result(s)

Avoiding an identity crisis

By Gill Walton, Chief Executive on 19 May 2021 I am going to have to come clean. I love watching Call the Midwife. I try not to watch it, but I just get hooked in again and again. I see the history of midwifery unravel before me. This week it dawned on me that the midwives are looking more nurse like ...

Wellbeing champions in Wales

By Stacey Keane, Kara Davies, Dr. Tina South and Julie Roberts on 19 May 2021 Having all been a little nervous starting the programme, we were allocated to our teams and got to meet each other and we realised that we had so much in common, even though we came from different areas, both geographically and in terms of midwifery ...

What midwifery research means to me: a reflection

By Student Midwife Enitan Taiwo on 06 May 2021 Research forms the basis of evidence-based practice and it is important that within midwifery we continue to question why things are done the way they are in order to improve upon current standards.

Why Scotland members should have a say on pay

By Jackie Mitchell, National Officer Scotland on 04 May 2021 Since the summer of 2020, the RCM has joined other NHS trade unions in Scotland in calling on the Scottish Government to propose a new and fair pay deal for our members. We have received the offer and now we want to know what you think.