11-20 of 354 result(s)

Walking the line – being a mum with cancer that cannot be cured
As a mum with a baby or young child/ren receiving a diagnosis of cancer that cannot be cured is earth shattering. There are no words to adequately convey the way that cold fear and dread grab hold of your heart and squeeze. The exquisite pain of imagining ...
United Nations Public Service Day
Wednesday 23 June is United Nations Public Service Day. No need to apologise if you missed the news. It probably won’t make the front pages. But we wanted to tell you about this because it is positive to see the United Nations (UN) honour public ...
Working through the pandemic and beyond
Working through the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond: an examination of mental wellbeing, burnout, work-related quality of life and coping across the health and social care workforce.The perfect storm for a digital revolution in maternity care
We’ve just received the long-awaited news that maternity services in England are going to receive a much needed £52 million investment in digital technologies . From a survey of Digital Midwives, conducted last summer, the Royal College of ...
Sands write about the right care and support for bereaved parents as campaign launches
For more than 40 years Sands has worked to make sure that bereaved parents and families get the support they need and deserve, and Sands has also worked to save babies lives.
Join our professorial network at the RCM
We are delighted today to be announcing the new RCM professorial network (PN) and hope that professors of midwifery and related subjects working in the UK will chose to join.
New resources supporting care handover between midwives and health visitors
Having demonstrated a significant improvement in outcomes for women and babies, providing continuity of carer along the whole ‘maternity journey’ has become a key tenet of modern midwifery policy. Additional resources are needed to implement ...Race Matters for all of us
It has been a whole year since the murder of George Floyd, an event that shook many individuals and organisaitons into action against systemic racism. I don’t think any of us, regardless of who we are or where we come from, have not been disturbed ...Midwifery matters at the NMC
Someone recently said that our approach to midwifery practice at the NMC should be to “think once, think twice, think midwife!” With more than 39,000 midwives on our permanent register, we recognise how important it is to have a positive ...