21-30 of 35 result(s)

On politics: midwives' numbers
We frequently highlight the situation of midwives from elsewhere in the EU who live and work here in the UK, and we did so again at the end of March ahead of a Commons debate on the impact of Brexit on the NHS.
The big story: Raising standards for students
New NMC standards are set to usher in a new era of flexibility and local decision-making. What exactly is changing and how will it impact on midwives and students?
Country news: Northern Ireland
News and updates from RCM Northern Ireland by director Breedagh Hughes (Midwives Summer 2018).
Country news: Wales
News and updates from RCM Wales by director Helen Rogers (Midwives Summer 2018).
Country news: Scotland
News and updates from RCM Scotland by director Mary Ross-Davie (Midwives Summer 2018).
Country news: Wales
News and updates from RCM Wales by director Helen Rogers (Midwives Spring 2018)
On politics: The numbers game
You may remember the moment during last year’s general election campaign when the prime minister, challenged over NHS pay, told us that ‘there is no magic money tree’.
Your student news: Spring 2018
What’s new in the student world? Your chance to tell us where you’ve been and what you’ve been up to...
On employment: Wait and see
The RCM evidence to the NHS Pay Review Body (NHSPRB) has already been submitted on behalf of our members across the UK.