1-10 of 10 result(s)

We must stop discrimination and bigotry in the NHS says RCM
The RCM has called for an end to the discrimination and racism that blights the lives of our black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) NHS staff and women using maternity services ,responding to the Turning the Tide report, published with the support ...
Maternity services showing digital progress, says report
The majority of maternity providers in England are making a good start at using digital technology, the Maternity digital maturity assessment report by NHS Digital reveals.
Maternity training investigated in new report
Mothers and babies are at risk because of a critical lack of frontline staff training, according to a report published by maternity charity Baby Lifeline.
Smoking and obesity highlighted in Welsh maternity report
The number of midwives registered to work in the UK continues to rise with a modest year on year increase in the last five years, NMC figures show.
Report highlights ‘striking’ inequalities in UK maternal deaths
Maternal deaths are not evenly spread across the UK population, the latest MBRRACE-UK report finds.
Proportion of induced labours rise
New maternity figures show that there has been a rise in the proportion of induced labours in NHS hospitals.
New RCM report highlights domestic abuse support
The RCM has called for the NHS to do more to address staff experiencing domestic abuse in its new report Safe places? Workplace support for those experiencing domestic abuse.
Revalidation still having positive impact says NMC
Findings from an independent evaluation suggest that revalidation is continuing to have a positive impact on the attitudes and behaviours of midwives and nurses.
Report says 78 million babies not breastfed in first hour of life
A new report by Unicef and the WHO estimates that three in five newborns are not breastfed within the first hour of being born.