11-20 of 20 result(s)

Value NHS staff and award early and significant pay rise says RCM
Welcoming the report from the NHS Confederation on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on NHS staff, Jon Skewes, Executive Director for External Relations at the Royal College of Midwives, said: “Yet another report highlights the incredible ...
RCM calls for dramatic changes in midwives’ working conditions and workplace wellbeing
The Royal College of Midwives has today welcomed a report from the King’s Fund which calls for minimum standards to improve working conditions for midwives and nurses, and to address exhaustion and burnout in both professions. The report sets ...
RCM calls on Government to improve maternity care for black and Asian women
Maternity care must be made safer for black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) women, says a Royal College of Midwives (RCM) motion at the TUC Congress today. Highlighting that black pregnant women are eight times more likely ...
Leading Royal Colleges say multi-disciplinary maternity care is key to improving maternal outcomes
Today two leading Royal Colleges have said its vital that all pregnant women admitted to hospital with COVID-19 have multi-disciplinary maternity care from the start and that the information given to pregnant women must be accessible to all. Responding ...RCM welcomes “ambitious” commitments in NHS People Plan
We need to see the ambitious proposals become a reality on the ground say the Royal College of Midwives, welcoming the new NHS People Plan.We must learn from pandemic to protect BAME staff, says RCM
The Royal College of Midwives has welcomed the start of a major study on the impact of COVID-19 on black, Asian and minority ethnic healthcare workers, launched today. The research, which is led by Leicester University, will follow healthcare ...
Turn the applause for NHS staff into an early wage rise say RCM and health unions
The government should build on the huge public support shown for the NHS during the pandemic by giving health workers across the UK an early pay rise, say the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) and other health unions today (Friday).