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RCM calls for urgent review of financial support for student midwives   

RCM calls for urgent review of financial support for student midwives  

By  RCM calls for urgent review of financial support for student midwives   on 06 March 2020 Today the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) will call for an urgent review of financial support for student midwives at the TUC’s Women’s Conference. In 2017 student midwives lost their bursary and started getting billed for full university ...

Midwives welcome Labour commitment for more midwives

on 13 November 2019 The Shadow Secretary of State for Health Johnathan Ashworth today launched the Labour 'NHS Rescue Plan'. Speaking at the launch of the plan he used the closure of a maternity unit because of a shortage of midwives to confirm that Labour would ...