1-10 of 16 result(s)

RCM shines spotlight on excellence announcing annual award winners
Maternity teams increasing the use of prenatal breastmilk, improving outcomes for BAME and vulnerable women and enhancing bereavement care, are among the winners of the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) annual awards announced this week. ...Warwickshire midwifery service wins national award
A Warwickshire midwifery service that is widening birth choices and improving care for local women has won the Royal College of Midwives Midwifery Service of the Year Award.
Kent midwives wins national award for ‘liquid gold’ breastmilk project
Two Kent midwives who increased the collection and use of antenatal breastmilk have won the JOHNSON’S® Excellence in Maternity Care and Innovation Award in the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) Annual Awards
London midwives win national award for mental health work
Two midwives who improved care for women with severe perinatal mental health needs have won the Excellence in Perinatal Mental Health Award in the RCM’s Annual Midwifery Awards. The award comes during Maternal Mental Health Week from 4 to 10 ...
Poole Maternity Support Worker scoops RCM award for MSW of the Year
A Maternity Support Worker (MSW) who provides support to a vulnerable women’s team at Poole NHS Foundation Trust in Dorset has scooped the WaterWipes award of MSW of the Year at the Royal College of Midwives (RCMs) Annual Midwifery Awards.
Luton midwives win national award for bereavement work
A trio of Luton midwives who led efforts to support staff after the death of a colleague have won the Slimming World’s Caring for You Award in the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) Annual Awards.
UK first project wins Lancashire midwives national award
Two Lancashire midwives who set up an education project in India have won the JOHNSON’S® Excellence in Midwifery Education, Learning and Research Award in the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) Annual Awards.
RCM Excellence in Bereavement Care award for Southampton Midwives
Two bereavement midwives from Southampton University Trust have been recognised by the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) with a national award for Excellence in Bereavement Care. Linsi Imber & Kirsty Brown who also work clinically as midwives ...
Leeds maternity team crowned ‘WaterWipes Team of the Year’ by RCM
A maternity team that has worked for a decade to improve outcomes for BAME and vulnerable women in Leeds has been named WaterWipes Maternity Team of the Year by the Royal College of Midwives (RCM). The winning maternity service from Leeds ...